Here are documents for 2024 Middleburg Classic:
Waiver and Liability Agreement
Some notes for the horse show:
If entries are closed a notice will be posted on If entries are closed substitutions may be permitted but no new entries will be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS.
In an effort to make sure the schedule run efficiently, scratches must be submitted by 4 pm, the day prior to the class.
Ship ins are permitted however no new ship in entries will be permitted if entries are closed.
Trip counts will be closely monitored to ensure a timely finish to the day; classes may be closed for new entries as rings get full.
Live ring status displaying each ring’s progress will be available throughout the show via
Stabling forms must be submitted and online entries. Prepayment for all stalls is required to be considered reserved. Special stabling requests will be honored if possible but are not guaranteed.
Adjustments to stall reservations should be submitted prior to the closing date (TBD). Additional stalls requested after the closing date will only be granted if available and may not be next to the main block.
Regular show office hours begin on Tuesday, September 17th at 8am.
TICKETED WARMUPS ($40/round) will be offered Tuesday, September 17th in all hunter rings. Exhibitors are required to wear their back numbers. All rings open 9am-4pm.
Layover stalls available during Piedmont Jumper Classic. Please email for additional details and to make reservations.
Office fees once processed are not refundable.
Stall fees after September 1st are not refundable.